
here that I think these who expect their wives to sudden- ly accept and agree with this strange phenomenon are just unreasonable.


My plea for them is give the girl a chance maybe a- bout 15 years will do it. Slow and easy will win the race. Remember the hare and the tortoise

There are problems that never seem to get any attent- ion and I wonder if I alone have these I don't consider it a problem but what about the children? Am I the only one with them? If others have children are they told of your TV desires, and at what age? Do you dress when they are around? In general how do others handle this situation? Here again time will take care of this, but I know I'm getting older also, wiser too. Here I would like to put in a plug for my wife, she helps get the chil- dren out of the area (to bed, or dates at parties, etc.) so that I am able to spend an evening now and then in full dress in the freedom of my home. From this you know I haven't told my children, and I don't plan to. The only three that know I'm a TV are you, Virginia, wife and myself.


I know that I have to live with and among a group of highly prejudiced people who believe everyone should fit into the same mold except for height and weight. Those same people have their own idiosyncrasies but they make such a big noise about every one else's problems that they make it appear that they haven't any

Thank You For A11,

Joyce (5-B-16)